American PitBull Registry - World's Largest PitBull Registry

american PitBull registry
American PitBull Registry benefits and services

Reasons to register APBR! Here you will learn about the many great benefits and services available and how we provide the largest package of services of any registry in the entire industry.

    Benefits And Services

APBR Questions and Answers

Here will list many of the general questions we receive. If you have question a this is a great place to start.

    PitBull Q&A

responsible PitBull ownership

Are you a responsible owner? What does it mean to be a responsible owner? Learn what responsible ownership does and does not mean.

    PitBull Ownership


Thinking about breeding PitBulls? There is a RIGHT WAY and a WRONG WAY about breeding? Breeding the wrong way is irresponsible and can lead to unwanted puppies and high personal expenses.

    PitBull Breeding

understanding PitBull value

How much are your PitBulls worth? Learn how to assess and and add value to your PitBull stock.

    Value & Demand

PitBull breed standard

Is an unwavering standard important to you? Feeling disenfranchised by other registries inability to stand firm in what a standard should be? Tired of other registries not knowing what they really believe their standard on the PitBull breed should be? Worried you may be the next target of discriminatory bias or internal registry politics? The APBR believes in a single unwavering standard.

    The Original
    PitBull Standard

Merle PitBull info

What is the real truth about Merle? Why the controversy? Why do so many registries frown on merle PitBulls?

    Merle PitBull
    Fact And Fiction

PitBull history

From the beginning to now. Learn about the breed and its history.

    History Of The

PitBull service Dog Certification

Do you own a Service Dog that is also a PitBull?
Are you interested in one?

    Service Dog Certification

PitBull Facts

Learn the truth about PitBulls. if you are tired of media sensationalism and bias it is time to learn the facts.

    PitBull Facts

PitBull Myths

Really? No Way? Understanding the myths about PitBulls. Folklore and ignorance seem to rule the day.

    Myths About PitBulls

PitBull Breed Specific Legislation - BSL

What is Breeed Specific Legislation ( BSL )? Are you in danger? What can you do to stop it?

    Learn About
    Breed Specific Legislation ( BSL )

PitBull talking points

Defending the breed starts with knowing what to say. When you are prepared with facts and understand how to address attacks being waged against you as a PitBull owner you will be more prepared to educate the public on the reality of the breed and counter ignorance and bias.

    PitBull Talking Points

PitBull Dictionary

So what does THAT mean? Quick guide to PitBull and pet related terms.

    PitBull Dictionary

PitBull word search

A little fun with word search.

    PitBull Word Search

    Answer Sheet

PitBull Information and Resources


APBR Benefits And Services | PitBull Q&A | Responsible Ownership
Responsible Breeding | Understanding Value & Demand | APBT Breed Standard
Merle Information | Breed History | Service Dog Certification
Talking Points | Dictionary | Word Search

PitBull Information



In the sections above we have tried to cover all the basic information about the Amerrican PitBull Terrier ( APBT ) dog breed. We hope that you will find it interesting and helpful. If you have content that you think should be added or would be helpful to others please feel free to let us know. We are always looking for great ocntent to add. At the APBR we maintain the largest site on the interenet in regards to PitBulls. We are always looking for more though and are happy to hear any suggestions you might have.



"Thank you and God bless you for being a "light in the dark" for our beloved breed."


pitbull information

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